First Aid Quiz怎么安装游戏攻略
Quiz, dedicated to first aid. It includes questions on the most common injuries and situations, as well as fractures, the imposition of tires from improvised means.
This quiz gives a brief description of the concept of first aid, reveals the algorithm of first aid in bleeding, fractures, bruises, shock, loss of consciousness, sunstroke, poisoning.
First aid is a set of simple, expedient measures to protect the health and life of an injured or suddenly ill person. Properly rendered first aid reduces the time of special treatment, promotes faster healing of wounds, and is often a crucial moment in saving the life of the victim. First aid should be provided immediately, at the scene, quickly and skillfully, even before the doctor arrives or before the victim is transported to the hospital.
The purpose of this quiz is to enrich the experience of students in providing first aid for injuries and accidents.
Download the Quiz and take part in the game “What do we know about first aid?”
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