Bird Hunting Slingshot 3D Shooting怎么安装游戏攻略
Bird Hunting Slingshot 3D Shooting
Done using bow arrow, sniper gun and assault rifles for hunt? Get ready to use slingshot for bird hunting. Aim precisely and shoot birds flying in the sky.
Get ready to show champion slingshot skills by hunting birds in this newest bird hunting season 2018. Forget sniper hunting and target practice on shooting range. We offer you unique challenging shooting range to become slingshot champion. Multiple mode for hunting birds and target practice on shooting range.
Slingshot Shooting Range:
With finger tip drag and shot a ball or stone to the primary target. Prove yourself a best sharpshooter and champ. Get best FPS gaming experience in target practice range by shooting bulls'eye. The winter season is here and birds are migrating across world, it's perfect bird hunting season. Win championship by hitting moving targets like bottle, fruit and more from distance in this amazing 3D slingshot shooting game.
Bird Hunting Mode:
Use slingshot to hunt birds in this amazing fun hunting game. You have played common archery or sniping games. Checkout first 3D bird hunting slingshot game like never before and the fun never ends. Hunt multiple birds flying in the skies and become champion hunter in this slingshot shooting game.
40 challenging fps missions
Multiple shooting terrains
Multiple slingshots to aim
Bird hunting mode
Target practice mode
Smooth physics based controls
Challenging game play
《Flappy Bird》的开发者Dong Nguyen的最新作《Swing Copters》近日正式对外曝光了!据官方的第一手资讯可以看出,这一次的新作跟《Flappy Bird》有着非常相似的地方,那就是——依然很难很虐心!
从视频中大致可以了解到,本作也是有很多余《Flappy Bird》截然不同的地方的,但是整体画面的风格以及游戏节奏进行的节奏感等等还是与《Flappy Bird》有相似...
风靡全球的《Flappy Bird》虽然遭到游戏开发者残忍下架,但是仍无法阻止网友对《Flappy Bird》深沉的爱,除了移动平台各类替代游戏闻风而动,就连智能手表也来凑个热闹。
由 Pebble Technology 公司推出的 Pebble 智能手表支持 iPhone 和 Android 手机,拥有这款智能手表的用户可以在 iOS 联动应用 Pebble Smartwatch 中下载...
这两天,Flappy Bird《疯狂的小鸟》这款游戏风靡网络,小伙伴们都纷纷加入玩家大军,但是这款游戏的寿命也太短了些,开发者Dong Nguyen决定要把它下架了,让我们默默为它点上一根蜡烛。
之前Flappy Bird《疯狂的小鸟》的开发者Dong Nguyen在Twitter上放出狠话,说要22小时之后把《疯狂的小鸟》从App store上撤下,他这么做的原因很简单:游戏火爆起来以后...