TabuDroid - The taboo game app怎么安装游戏攻略
TabuDroid is one of the best society game. Is simple to have fun with your family and friends.
The aim of the word game is to guess the key word to your team without saying / imitating the 5 Tabù words. If you have played at least once at the table game, everything will be familiar to you!
TabuDroid is the only application that allows you to create your own cards and always carry them with you. Register with Facebook or Google so you'll never risk losing them.
With TabuDroid and its 5000 FREE words for each language. The fun is guaranteed!
TabuDroid is:
- free
- simple
- light
- customizable
The aim of the game is to make the members of their team guess a word, without pronouncing one of the so-called taboo words, that is a list of five words related to the one to guess. For example, to make the word "Stop" guess, you can not use "Police", "Stop", "Free", "Imprison" and "Handcuffs".
The game develops in this way:
Divide into 2 teams and position yourself in a circle alternately
Choose the first player who will describe the keyword.
While the player describes the word, a member of the opposing team will check that the words Taboo are not pronounced
for each correct answer one point is earned, while for each taboo or infringement of the suggestion rules a point is removed.
The game ends when either team reaches the set score or reaches the maximum number of rounds
*Multiplayer Word Game
*Party Game!
TabuDroid is not associated with Hasbro or Hersch and Company's Taboo, Tabou, Tabu, Taboo, Tabuh, Tabo or any other variants of the Taboo products registered trademarks.
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