Elite Lamborghini Mod for MCPE怎么安装游戏攻略
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not associated in any way with Mojang AB. Minecraft Name, Minecraft Mark and Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with https://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines
Have you ever dreamed of your own expensive car? Undoubtedly, someday your dream will come true! In the meantime, we bring to your attention the magnificent Elite
Lamborghini Mod, which will add a sports car to the MCPE!
Lamborghini is the fastest and one of the most expensive cars. This mod will replace the witches in the MCPE, so you can find this car in the biome of the swamp. You can also use the witch spawn egg to create it.
Android: Drive a long tap on the car to get into the car.
But do not forget to bring a key (carrots on a stick), otherwise you will not be able to control the car!
If you often play with your friends, then you can even arrange real races!
作为当今世界上最热门的沙盒游戏,《我的世界》在全球范围内拥有大批的粉丝,而且在游戏推出之后,开发商也一直没有停下制作的脚步,越来越多有意思的新元素以更新的形式加入到了游戏中,不久之前,《我的世界:移动版(Minecraft: Pocket Edition)》刚刚迎来了1.0.5版本更新,没想到这还没过多久官方就公布了关于下一个新版本的更新内容。据透露,下一个版本中游戏将会迎来一个名为“发现更新(D...
接下来我们来分别讲一下帽子,面具和发型的尺寸。头部:长 10像素格,宽 10像素格,高 10像素格。头部在游戏中是固定无法改变的,因此小伙伴们在做模型时候,可以用一个10*10*10的方块作参考。