Ghiceste Cuvantul 2019怎么安装游戏攻略
Ghiceste Cuvantul 2019: 4 Imagini 1 Cuvant este jocul clasic de trivia adus pe meleagurile romanesti.
Trebuie sa va folositi puterea mintii pentru a dezlega fiecare puzzle. Fiecare nivel are 4 imagini asociate unui singur cuvant, pe care trebuie sa-l ghiciti. Cele 4 imagini ofera indicii cu privire la cuvant, aceste indicii putand sa fie mai mult sau mai putin subtile: pot sa reprezinte un cuvant paronim, pot sa fie o parte din intelesul cuvantului, sau pot sa reprezinte chiar cuvantul cautat.
Aplicatia este updatata constant cu noi niveluri, deci nu o sa va plictisiti niciodata!
Daca aveti sugestii de imbunatatire, puteti sa ma contactati la adresa de mail indicata.
Guess The Word 2019: 4 Images 1 Word is the classic trivia game brought to the Romanian lands.
You have to use your mind's power to untie each puzzle. Each level has 4 images associated with one word that you have to guess. The four images give clues to the word, these clues being more or less subtle: they can represent a paronymous word, they can be a part of the meaning of the word, or they can even represent the word being searched for.
The application is updated constantly with new levels, so you will never get bored!
If you have any suggestions for improvement, you can contact me at the indicated email address.
超级赛车2019(SuperBike Racer 2019)是一款摩托赛车竞速类游戏,拥有逼真的3D画面,玩家可以控制摩托赛车体验爽快奔驰的快感...
2019《英雄联盟》洲际赛订于今年7月在首尔的奖忠体育馆举行。小组赛为7月4 日至7月5日,比赛从当地下午4点开始;而四强赛及决赛分别在7月6日、7月7日举行,比赛从当地下午5点开始。
前面提到 VCS 越南赛区将加入亚洲对抗赛,和 LMS、LPL 和 LCK 赛...