Pig Pens怎么安装游戏攻略
It is a simple game aimed at children from 4 years and up.
See the maple.scot website for how to make your own Pig Pens physical board game to play at home.
The video game is mostly the same as the physical game.
Each Player picks a colour of Piggy and is given
* 6 piggies for a 2 player game
* 5 piggies for a 3 player game
* 4 piggies for a 4 player game
Play starts with the Pink pig and moves clockwise
Each player takes a turn going to the barn to get a fence piece. Spin the spinner to find out what you get from the barn.
* 1 Fence piece - Take a fence piece and place it on the board at the edge of a square
* 2 Fence pieces - Take 2 fence pieces and place them on the board at the edges of squares
* Bad Piggy - The bad piggy runs away - miss this turn
Closing a pen - If you can place a fence piece to finish a square then you win that square - 1 of your piggies will jump in that square and OINK with satisfaction!
The winner is the first player to pen all of their piggies.
It's a good idea not to give pens away. Try to place your fences so that the next player can't steal a pen from you.
It's a good lesson for young children to learn
I started making this video game because I wanted to learn Unity.
I don't really own the concept of the game and I'm not trying to make any money from it which is why the game is free on all platforms.
As I'm trying to learn I have also made the source code to the game available online at github.
If you wish to contact me about the game you can do so through the maple.scot website or twitter @JamesADurie or email: james@maple.scot
《愤怒的小鸟太空版 Angry Birds Space》发布了新世界“Pig Dipper”的更新。此次更新将浮力玩法与强力道具添加到游戏中,包括30个新关卡与3个附加关卡。
从图片中可以看到新关卡中出现了水漾星系,外层仍然是引力环境,内层充满了水,需要考虑浮力的作用。新技能Flock of Birds能增强小鸟的攻击力,Pig Puffer能使小猪们浮起来。...
由香港的独立游戏制作人Ryan Daniel个人开发的《Bounding pig》日前已经在双平台正式上架,本作是一款简单有趣的横版手游,玩家将操控一只猪来完成冒险。
由来自香港的独立游戏製作人 Ryan Daniel 个人所开发的《Bounding pig》已于近日在双平台推出上架,Ryan Daniel 表示,《Bounding pig》是一款简单有趣的手机游戏,玩家在游戏中必须控制著一隻‘正义猪’避开障碍物,继而打倒作恶多端的‘狡诈猪’突破关卡。
《Bounding pig》是一款可爱...