Povestitor bunicul Grigore dupa povestea de Emil Garleanu
Pe muşchiul gros, cald ca o blana a pamantului, caprioara sta jos langa iedul ei. Acesta şi-a întins capul cu botul mic, catifelat şi umed, pe spatele mamei lui, şi cu ochii închişi se lasa dezmierdat. Caprioara îl linge, şi limba ei subţire culca uşor blana moale, matasoasa, a iedului. .......
Grandfather Gregory tells the story of Emil Garleanu
On the thick, warm as a fur of the earth, the deer sits down beside her kid. He stretched his head with his small, velvety, wet muzzle on his mother's back, and with his eyes closed, he was lulled. The deer licks it, and her thin tongue lies on the soft, silky coat of the hide. .......