Cake Shop怎么安装游戏攻略
A young woman named Emily just graduated from college and is dreaming of working in the restaurant business.
As luck would have it, she gets offered a job managing a small cafe in another city.
Help Emily make her dream come true!
The money you make from selling cakes will help you buy new equipment.
The more quickly you can fill orders, the more tips your satisfied customers will leave you.
Add variety to your cafe's menu with cotton candy, coffee, ice cream, popcorn, and soft drinks.
Not only will it help your eatery flourish,
But it'll also help you earn the money you need to build your own home!
游戏简介:Goblins Shop《哥布林的道具屋》是一款模拟商店经营,结合RPG冒险元素的像素风格游戏。在游戏中,玩家扮演一名饱受人类霸凌的哥布林。他想要讨回公道,但是他发现根本打不赢人类士兵。于是他突发奇想,决定开一间道具屋。卖一些武器、防具和药水给其他怪物,然后组成帮派对人类复仇。...
导语:风靡全球的奇幻模拟经营大作《Shop Heroes》即将登陆国服,西山居世游与海外研发商Cloudcade及其发行商TEEBIK达成战略合作,西山居世游获《Shop Heroes》中国区及东南亚代理运营权,国服正式定名《商店英雄》。
《商店英雄》是由一群来自美国的顶尖游戏制作团队带来的模拟经营佳作。制作人Di Huang是来自华尔街的投行精英,擅长货币化和度量驱动的游戏设计,你可以...
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