Lucky block happy block Addon for MCPE map怎么安装游戏攻略
Lucky Block addon is a very exciting addon, but this addon can turn you into lazy person in the end. This addon complements the game with a new block that looks like a yellow cube with a question mark on each of its six faces. If you can craft this cube, and then break it, then you can get some kind of object. But this item can't always be just fixed, sometimes it can be a mob that can move. Everything that falls out of the cube can be divided into two categories: good and not very good. The first category includes everything that can help you, and the second - everything that can harm your health and even life in the world of Minecraft.
You can add any additional items to the recipe when you craft Lucky Block, such as metal or an ingredient. Then you get an improved block that will increase the chance of falling items of better quality. For example, the cube that has gold can get several gold bars. Fanally, everything depends on your luck. Create Lucky Blocks, break them and get the new items! Don't be afraid of evil mobs, which you can call. Do you want to try your luck?
DISCLAIMER: This map for MCPE isn’t made or supported by Mojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are official trademarks of Mojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map don’t cooperate with Mojang. This application fully adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB. More info at
抖音Happy Glass快乐玻璃杯是最近抖音上非常火的小游戏,很多的玩家都很喜欢这款游戏,那么抖音Happy Glass快乐玻璃杯在哪里下载呢?下面小编就来为大家详细的介绍一下抖音Happy Glass快乐玻璃杯的下载地址,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧!
抖音Happy Glass快乐玻璃杯下载地址:
快乐玻璃杯Happy Glass是最近非常火的一款趣味小游戏,类似于跳一跳,这个是画一画,通过画一条合理的线,利用道具,以及动力机制,给玻璃杯倒满水即算过关,成功给玻璃杯倒满水,会得到玻璃杯的笑脸哦,关卡丰富,难度逐渐递增,画面风格简洁大气,一玩就停不下来,简直想把所有的关卡全部通过才算结束,你赶紧来挑战一下吧!