Don't You Slip怎么安装游戏攻略
Fancying yourself using your timing skills at a high level?
Look no further! Don't You Slip tests your reactions and your adapt-and-survive capacity in a colorful world. Always take care not to fall into the lava below!
- Over 20 ball skins, which can be unlocked by playing the game and collecting coins that spawn at the craziest moments;
- Changing backgrounds at each milestone;
- Fast-paced playstyle, think each move carefully, one step behind can mean two steps forward;
- Randomly-spawning platforms which will challenge your decisions on how to tackle them;
- Google leaderboards to challenge your friends.
首先把周围的敌人清空,会持续来车,差不多就行了。蹲下慢慢接近,听到only you就不要动了,视角也不要转太大,我是听完了才接着动的,可能非必须,接下来是重点,放慢速度,一步一挪,视角不要转太大。小心不要被来车撞死,下图是我被这个缝卡死了。
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