Black Fast怎么安装游戏攻略
Beyond the shroud, waits The Tomb of The Titans. It is here that sorcerer & thief “Black Fast” (Named after the ritual a priest must perform before an Exorci), initiates his plan for a supernatural heist. Within the Tomb's pitted & pockmarked corridors, security is tight & terrifying. Luckily, Black Fast is equipped with the guile & ferocity needed to trespass the boundaries of this particular Monster Kitchen, and depart with the object of his heart’s desire.
The prize in question? “The Apocryphal Book of The Coffin Worm.” An ancient tome choked with nightmares and the knowledge within its pages to cook, prepare, and insinuate a multitude of horrors into the realm of any foe.
To cross this line in the sands of karma-crime as "Black Fast", you will need to jump, punch, and dodge your way through a series of dungeon keeps. You will face relentless enemies and gigantic bosses, whose single duty is to protect the book from the covetous thirst of trespassers. After all, if you steal from the accursed, you will share their fate three times over.
Good luck.
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日本pixelfish预定于今年冬季推出的智慧型手机游戏新作《Black Rose Suspects》(iOS/Android)近日宣布将于12月12日进行面向安卓平台的首轮封闭测试。
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