Trix Club怎么安装游戏攻略
This game has two types of Trix games which are complex and kingdoms also has partnership and duplication features which means you can duplicate the heart king or queens.
And you can play with different players' levels.
Trix roles:
1- two teams (partnership) or four teams,
if two team each opposite players with each others, else each player alone.
2- kingdoms or Complex
kingdoms, each kingdom can order "Heart King, Queens, Diamonds, Collects" and Trix
Complex, can order just "complex" which contains all kingdoms orders in 1 and Trix
3- Game Order Values:
Hear King: -75 "Try not to collect lap contains Heart King"
Queen: each queen -25 total queens -100 "Try not to collect lap contains queen"
Diamonds: each diamond -10 total diamonds 130 "Try not to collect lap contains diamond"
Collects: each card collected -15 total -195 "Try not to collect any lap"
Trix: first player +200 , second +150, third +100, last +50 , total 500 "Try to be the first"
when king duplicated then values becomes -75 * 2 = 150
the player win the duplicate gets +75
queens dupllicat value = -25*2 = -50
the player win the duplicate gets +25
fresh cases "replay game":
Trix: when not partner ship and one player has 3 cards of "TWO" and the opposite color of card "THREE" or four "TWO"
Queens: when partnership and each team got -50
Heart King: when not partnership and one player has either king or Ace from hearts alone or with card
如果说动作游戏必须以华丽的连招,以及浮夸的造型为噱头的话,那么擅长于制作休闲游戏的国外游戏开发商 Mooff Games 就要打破这个说法了。近日,Mooff Games 公布了旗下动作游戏《Smash Club》系列的一款新作《 Smash Club: Streets of Shmeenis》。
这款游戏采用了立体方块的模型塑造场景与人物,在风格玩法上与 Mooff Games...
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