Nela has many friends and wants to teach them something of the sign-language, which she´s master of. Do you know, for example, how to say "a plate" or "a flower" in the sign-language? Learn it with Nela! (Prepared in cooperation with the NGO "Centre for Child Hearing TamTam")
《Signing with Nela怎么安装》下载版本说明
《Signing with Nela怎么安装》在九游先找到想要的Signing with Nela,然后选择免费下载,下载完成后找到安装包,选择安装后手机会提示你选择软件安装的位置,一般为了节约手机C盘的存储空间网名将软件安装在扩展卡或存储卡上,选择好安装位置后手机就开始自动安装软件,安装完成后手机会提示完成。或者使用豌豆夹等工具,直接在电脑端操作进行安装。