Hotel Room Cleaning Service:Luxury Hotel Hostess怎么打不开游戏攻略
Hotel Room Cleaning Service:Luxury Hotel Hostess is amazing stunning room cleaning game for little girls. in this game you as a hostess clean up the all room of hotel and manage all the customers.Gather everything to make the room comfortable living. its your responsibility to clean each roomand giving the best service to every client . Clean up the hotel room like a trained maid with this fun cleanup game and hotel manager games.
First of all you learn how to become expert hotel rooms cleaning service provider and clean the hotel reception rooms and lawns.collect all the garbage from room and all the things and remove mud from all the rooms.Remove dirty mud and lines and trashes from the room and the bathroom. Virtual resort manager! Remove the old bet sheet and change it and clean the room. and also clean the bathroom. Clean the room floor, clean the bathroom and wash the tiles by using a sponge, brush, broom, washing powder, and vacuum. Clean the mirrors, room windows, TV, and phone in the hotel room with the glass cleaner and modern tools of resort and hotel chain business where you order luxury resort this hotel manager room service game.
Rooms Clean Up
Work like best cleaner you must know how to fix all thing.replace the bed sheet with new one and use vacuum cleaner clean all the dust mud from sofas and carpets.replace the the broken furniture or repair it like a pro keeps wash the bathroom with sap and sponge in this pro cleaning games for girls .
Reception counter Decoration
Clean up all the mud and garbage using vacuums clear placed all the things on their right spot
fix it all the things using screws.maker over the wall design and aquarium.fixing and washing with liquid soap & cloth.clean up all the messy reception by dumping trash and rubbish in the dustbin.
Room Decoration
Decorate your room with all the good things change every thing such like bed sheet lamp and many other things like table and much more.and have fun play the game and also share with friends
Hotel Room Cleaning Service:Luxury Hotel Hostess Features:
☆ Follow directions and learn how to cook donuts
☆ Tons of decorations for you to choose
☆ Easy to play for kids of all ages
☆ Share your donuts with friends.
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Samsara Room《轮回的房间》第1部分攻略:
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