** 8 Games play, tap, trace, match and print with A-Z, a-z and 0-10.
** Each letter and number displayed and gamed with Cute Animal Circus.
** Print and customize with cute and unique Letters, Numbers and Papers.
Walk up! Walk up! ABC CIRCUS! The greatest circus show on earth is about to begin!
“A” is for Playing Ant, “B” is for Unicycle Bear, “C” is for Acrobatics Camel…Playing with 26 amazing circus, kids practice essential skills in exciting games per letter.
1.SHOW: Each of the letters and numbers show its unique circus firstly and attracts kids learning interest;
2.TAP & TRACE: Learn where to start, change direction and finish by 63 animations(26 uppercase letters, 26 lowercase letters and 11 numbers);
3.WRITE: Write the letter by tracing the dots. (each letter has its unique circus dot)
4.PLAY: Play 63 wonderful circuses after write it and you can choose “TRACE”, “WRITE” or “SHOW” by yourself.
You can Customize the 8 games by turning each activity ON or OFF
1 A-Z all 26 uppercase alphabets show, trace and write with 26 cute animal circus.
2 a-z all 26 lowercase alphabets display, tap, trace and write with 26 circus.
3 0-10 all 11 numbers tap, trace and write with 11 animal circus.
4 Identify letters with Canon circus game.
5 Find numbers in bubbles popped by cute Clown.
6 Match the uppercase letters with lowercase letters.
7 Match the animals with correct numbers.
8 Magic ABC song show.
ABC Circus! The Circus Supreme!
Contact Us: 6 Games:
1 Numbers, 0-10 all 11 numbers tap, trace and write with 11 animal circus.
2 Identify letters with Canon circus game.
3 Find numbers in bubbles popped by cute Clown.
4 Match the uppercase letters with lowercase letters.
5 Match the animals with correct numbers.
6 Magic ABC song show.
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