Greedy Dice怎么下载游戏攻略
Two players have to roll a dice to try to reach the magical winning score of 100 (or they can set their own winning score) before their opponent to win the game.
If they roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 they get to keep the points and roll the dice again to add more points to their total.
However, if they are greedy and roll the dice too many times, they may roll a 1. Rolling a 1 loses all the points from that turn and also the turn! The other player now gets to roll the dice and outpace their opponent.
The game is about passing the turn at the right time without being too Greedy to win the game!
随着2018年的到来,众多游戏厂商已经进入到了新的游戏开发阶段,DICE最近就发布了一则招聘广告,明确表示是为一款《战地》新作寻找高级制作人(Senior Producer)。
招聘中显示,这位高级制作人将成为《战地》新作项目的主要负责人,并向执行制作人(franchise Executive Producer)汇报项目进展。而DICE对这一职位的要求也是非常严格的,应聘者需要有6年以上的...