Math Training For All怎么下载游戏攻略
Math Training For All is designed for you to be able to set a math difficulty problem by yourself, then challenge yourself to see if you could solved it.
- Set difficulty your self
In this Math Training For All app you will be asked to answer for a total of thirty randomly generated math question on a limited amount of time with a four difficulty level’s that you can choose, from easy to math gen.
- input a set of time limit yourself
You can input a time limit between 1 to 30 minute, but cannot go for more than 30 minute, or if you decide to go for a more relaxed mode, then just chose no time limit.
- The combination of time limit you set and difficulty you choose will generate a specific and yet different question every time that will just about right to train your brain
- Include some tips and technic on how to count really fast and do that in your brain, No calculator.
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