At last, a word game with splendor. Sit down with a friend and let Letterswirl’s mysterious vibe and unusual circular approach to spelling help you enjoy a meditative moment together. Or practice by yourself and see how you do on the global leaderboards. To really get into the flow, lose yourself in Timelapse mode, a circular word-search which will push your word-spotting abilities to the limits. As the clock accelerates, watch the stars turn above you and the skies blaze with electric fire.
• Face to Face mode: A digital board game? Yes! Build words around your circle by spotting common letter sequences. The possibilities are endless - but can you see them before your opponent?
• Single player: This time it’s a high score you’re after. Longer words are worth way more! A little planning goes a long way.
• Timelapse: Here the words are given to you - but where do they begin and where do they end? Choose your vocabulary level. Feeling brave? Try unabridged mode, and before long you’ll be finding words you didn’t even know. Watch out… some words wrap all the way around the circle and bite their own tails. Entertainment indeed!
"Doesn't really rely on any of the standard word game conventions." ~ IndieGames.com
"Stands out thanks to its rather cool circular gameplay - challenging and fun." ~ AppPicker.com
"I love tabletop games and, when played on an iPad, Letterswirl offers a similar in-person, let's-play-with-cardboard-components feel. Sit face-to-face with a friend, place your iPad on a table and have fun." ~ AppleWorld.Today
8.5 Excellent ~ SlimGamer.com