You are a genius? The triangle怎么下载游戏攻略
You are a genius? Prove it! Combine the same figures to generate other figures until you get a triangle.
Combine the pictures with a swipe, when you make a swipe all the pictures are pushed in the direction of the swipe and the equal pictures collide and form a new pictures. run swipe and make pictures collide until you get a triangle. does it seem easy? it will not be! try it!
This game is based on (Thanks a lot Gabriele!)
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Duang!Duang!Duang!跳楼玩出新高度,不但获得无限商机还能有丰厚盈利作为回报!你敢信吗?没错!史上最巅峰三观的奇葩游戏《跳楼狂潮(Jump to Die)》4月12日iOS首发上线!开启奇葩创业之旅!
今天要为大家介绍的是Love You To Bits,在游戏当中我们通过点击,让主角来到秋季区域上,然后收集地面上的两处落叶。接下来就跟着九游小编来一睹究竟吧!