Tooty Bird!怎么下载游戏攻略
Typically penguins can’t fly, but this one can! Tooty Bird is on a mission! Using his natural combustion engine, he is able to propel himself with short bursts. But don't run out of fuel! Just a like an engine, Flatulence Bird must keep himself “fueled” by collecting various objects throughout the game to aid in his natural combustion.
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玩家玩《Flappy Bird》通关失败怒砸手机
《Flappy Bird》是一款越南程序员制作的小游戏,这款简单的小游戏早在2013年5月就推向市场,直到11月才开始逐渐吸引到用户。但到了今年1月份迅速爆发,长期占据美国地区App Store和Google Play免费应用前十位置。
《RETRY》是《愤怒的小鸟》的开发商旗下新成立的游戏发行部门推出的一款风格和玩法都很像《Flappy Bird》的休闲新作,游戏已在苹果 App Store 加拿大区、芬兰区和波兰区测试上架。
《RETRY》无论是在风格还是玩法都很有 Flappy Bird 的感觉,玩家通过单指点击屏幕控制一架飞机通过各种障碍物,最终到达终点。