Brain Training Games For Adults - Concentration怎么下载游戏攻略
Are you good at memorizing and observing things? Then you can easily score 50+ in these brain training games. While playing our brain games, you not only get a lot of fun, but also gradually improve your memory, attention, and concentration.
According to a research, playing brain teasers and mind games helps in keeping our brain active and increasing its power which helps you in creating or generating new ideas and gives your brain a boost.
Mini-games in this app are:
1. Find The Images Repeated Twice:
--> Check the given images and select the image that was repeated twice!
2. Find The Colored Shapes:
--> Focus on the question given and tap on the shapes accordingly.
3. Which Shape Shakes The Most/Least:
--> Carefully read the question and tap on the shape that shakes the most/least.
4. Tap The Circles in Reverse Order:
--> Concentrate on the blinking circles and tap them in the reverse order.
5. Tap The Colors From Lighter To Darker:
--> View the given color shades and select them in light to dark order.
6. Find The Correct Position:
--> Focus on the position of the image and quickly answer the given question.
7. Identify Which Comes First:
--> Focus on the speed of the given objects and tap the one which reaches the end first.
8. Find The Different Emoticon:
--> From the given set of emoticons, find the emoticon that is different.
9. Find The Wanted Image:
--> Quickly tap the image that is 'wanted'!
10. Clockwise Or Anti-clockwise Spin:
--> Concentrate on the title and select the spinning object accordingly.
> Fun and engaging game to boost your memory and attention power.
> Exciting games that will help you increase your concentration.
> Over 10 different brain training games inside.
> Easy, medium and hard difficulty levels to select from.
Download Now, brain it on & take up the challenge. Play these brain training games daily and improve your attention and memory power.
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二十年再聚首! EA GAMES倾力打造的真操控篮球竞技手游——《NBA LIVE》,即将开启国服计费删档测试。《NBA LIVE》系列自1994年登陆主机平台以来,深受全球玩家的喜爱,同时也积累了大量死忠玩家,延续至今二十三年,在端游、主机游戏移动化的大趋势下,EA GAMES旗下《NBA LIVE》系列出品的手游将会以怎样的面貌面示于众人,让我们来一探究竟。
手游《Evony:The King'Return》开发商Top Games的电视广告支出超出了烧钱式营销的策略游戏之王MZ。
来自中国的Top Games为《Evony》手游投放了两支电视广告,播放超过2900次,预估费用为1310万美元。其中大部分费用都花在“Battle of Evony”这支广告(注:范冰冰出演武则天一角的广告),这支广告在超级碗和其它体育赛事上播出。