Mirror Mirror on the Wall怎么下载游戏攻略
Mirror Mirror on the wall, will answer all your questions, but keep them simple.
Just think your question and ask the magic mirror and let the magic tell you the answer.
How it works:
1. Open the game
2. Press the microphone button on the game
3. Start talking to the mirror and ask your question
4. Press the button again and let the mirror think about your answer
Please note:
- This is just a simulation that generate answers and randomly present them.
- We use camera permission only for camera preview , we do not store any picture or video of you
Wall Slicer终于要腾空出世了,新手在前期要怎么玩呢?在九游APP中可以更加方便快捷的查看到《Wall Slicer》最新内容,包括攻略、视频教程,想要成为一个高端的玩家达人,九游APP是你必不可少的选择,下面小编来和大家介绍一下这款游戏的玩法技巧吧。
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