Magic Arena : The Beginning怎么下载游戏攻略
▶ Release event for new users ◀
Join now and receive [Limited Edition] Santa Costume!
Brawl with magic abilities.
Utilizes a variety of spells, use strategies to survive in the arena.
Become the last person to earn more rewards.
Get rewarded and upgrade your abilities to become top class mage!
▶ Game Features ◀
- Brawl with your clan members
-100% User Control based Game
- Online multiplayer matching with real-time users around the world with ZERO LAG
▶ 5-players mode ◀
- 100% real-time with ZERO LAG
- 100% user control
- Mode of five mages in the same arena to decide the last surviving mage
- Upcoming new modes
▶ Unique Abilities ◀
- Over 20 different abilities (More abilities coming)
- Ability enhancement to improve skills
▶ Unique Costumes ◀
- Total 8 parts
- Character costume for each part
▶ Equipment item ◀
- Various equipment items to improve the character's stats
- Unique strategy play based on equipment item options
- Obtain garnet pieces by disassembling unnecessary equipment
- Craft desired grade of equipment with garnet pieces
▶ Weekly Ranking Award ◀
- Differential award by rank
- Join at least once to the arena and weekly rankings are paid to all users every week
▶ Free Rewards ◀
- Free rewards of ability books, equipment, and goods
Developer contact:
关于首款集换式卡牌游戏(CCG)《万智牌》,我想很多朋友都听说过。近几年,《万智牌》有转战移动平台的趋势,以每年一款的速度不徐不疾地推出了好几款游戏,去年的《万智牌:旅法师对决》号称邀请了15为游戏大神前来助阵,最后推出后却表现平平,没能抢过《炉石传说》的风采。近日,开发商 Wizards of the Coast 将再接再厉,推出“旅法师对决”的续作——《万智牌对决:起源 Magic Duels...
《王者荣耀》正在遭受着来自各方的质疑,但是这并不影响腾讯进军海外的决心,目前在Google Play上,一款名为 《Mobile Legends》的MOBA游戏在欧美大红大紫,并已经成为欧美游戏主播最经常直播的MOBA手游之一...
一群西方大汉却玩起了日本古代的战争游戏,这样的画面看起来总感觉有点奇怪。早在2013年,一款名为《Ortus Arena》的策略战棋游戏开始众筹,不过却在随后的时间销声匿迹,而近日,这款游戏终于再次露面了。开发商表示游戏即将完工,在其官方页面上开放了玩家测试申请。
《Ortus Arena》是一款日本风格的游戏作品,以古代日本战争为背景,玩家之间各执一方进行攻防大战,如同下棋一般。...