Rivalry Tale Of Two Lives - Thanksgiving special怎么下载游戏攻略
HFG Hidden Fun Games released the new point and click type escape games for all the game lovers. The game with two categories of story and 55 levels of a journey.
Game Story:
Beloved Queen - Tarrian, the king of Rosden Island, married a beautiful young women named Rachel Mericus. She wanted to visit Halmere, one of the most attractive place on north side of the Crevor hills. When the couple ventured to spend some time near the cave something thrashed Tarrian's head sending him to a sudden black-out. A masked man Kidnapped Rachel. When Tarrian came to know about this he went on to find his beloved queen by facing many obstacles.
Find out the real history about the Crevor Kingdom by unlocking Each level.
Rescue your queen and destroy the evil ruler of the Kingdom by finding the Magical Arrow.
Enmity - Feanor the King of Elves Nation Searching for the young blood who can stand before his own death. Because his Ally Nation's king Renly Storm was captured by Orcs. King Mekhlon is the most powerful Orc in his kingdom. Finally, Feanor decided to sent Horace who can defeat Mekhlon and rescue Renly from their place. Horace disguised himself as an Orc to know about the Orc-Human War.
Try to find the plans of Orc king Mekhlon by solving unique puzzles.
Fight the enemies and rescue the Human King Renly.
Game Features :
2 Different Stories in one Game.
55 Stunning Levels.
Feel the Storyline in Each Chapter.
Unique Fights.
Solve more than 125 Puzzles
Translated in 23 languages.
Search for the Hidden Objects.
Explore Astonishing Universe.
Find the Clues.
Take Two旗下的两款游戏《为战而生(Battleborn)》和《进化(Evolve)》有很明显的共同之处:在正式发售前都万众期盼,但真的进入了市场,几乎是立即上前迎接他们的却是一轮又一轮的差评和口水战。
前不久,Take Two的老总Strauss Zelnick还公开表达了自己对《为战而生》市场表现的失望之情。他甚至坦言,如果《为战而生》真的再这么下去,那它离变为一款F2P游戏也不远了...
近日,曾开发出《黑色洛城(LA Noire)》、《荒野大镖客:救赎(Red Dead Redemption)》和《GTA5》等一系列优质佳作的R星似乎又要有新动作了。据外媒Segment Next报道,其母公司Take Two近日再次续注了“间谍(Agent)”商标,以便继续保有对其的使用控制权。
在于近日举行的R星母公司Take-Two的季度财务会议上,首席执行官Strauss Zelnick被问及《生化奇兵:合集(BioShock: The Collection)》的成功是否会增加Take-Two对重制经典游戏这方面的兴趣。
对此,Strauss Zelnick的回答是:“大概会吧。我的意思是,每次我们的决策或取得预期效果,或进展并不那么顺利,无论结果如何...