Sisters Fashion Diva Face-off怎么下载游戏攻略
The popular blogger sisters Elsa and Anna are both fashionistas. They are invited to attend the Fashion Diva style face-off challenges, who do you think will win the title of "Fashion Diva"? There are 4 styles in the challenge: homecoming queen, rock star, music lover and workout girl. Elsa and Anna will create 4 looks for these 4 styles and post their photos on Pinterest and see who will win the most likes. Let's play this fashion dressup game and find out who is the winner of Fashion Diva!
《Strikey Sisters》是一款需要双人合作才能愉快的玩下去的像素风格动作游戏,据官方消息,趁着六一儿童节来临,《Strikey Sisters》也将于明日上架Steam。
《Strikey Sisters》讲述了小女巫玛丽和埃琳娜这两位姐妹花,她们心爱的宠物被BOSS绑架了。为了救出宠物,她们将踏上一段奇妙的旅程,和各种各样的BOSS战斗。
Donuts 旗下的《东京7th sisters》(Tokyo 7th シスターズ)是一款偶像育成+音乐节奏游戏。这款游戏是 Donuts 出品的真真正正的偶像对决育成游戏,玩家可以在游戏中看到充满个性的女孩子们和体验游戏的崭新系统。
在 2032 年,传说中的国民偶像团体—— 7th sisters 突然宣布隐退,从此之后完全消失匿跡…“偶像的时代已经结束了”,当每一个人都这么想的时候,又...