Blood Pressure Colors怎么下载游戏攻略
Use this blood pressure colors app to color the different blood pressure and pulse values. Enter the blood pressure and pulse values first and press on the button to color the values. There are different colors depending on the value of the blood pressure and pulse. You can color as much blood pressure and pulse entries as you want.
This app is created to color the blood pressure and pulse values and does not measure your blood pressure and pulse. All result values are random generated!
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日本 Marvelous 旗下正在事前登录的女性向战国恋爱手游《战刻Night Blood(戦刻ナイトブラッド)》(iOS/Android)释出由游戏豪华声优阵出演的游戏介绍PV影片。
《战刻 Night Blood》是 IDEA FACTORY 联合 KADOKAWA 和 MARVELOUS 推出的大型女性向企划‘戦ブラ’其中的一环,本作集合了‘OTOMATE’旗下众多知名画师参与,因...
在OtomateParty2016中,公开了由Otomate×KADOKAWA×Marvelous联手,推出合同企划“戦ブラProject”的消息。该企划的第一弹就是,面向手机平台的游戏新作《战刻Night Blood》(戦刻ナイトブラッド)将于2017年上架。