Space Life怎么下载游戏攻略
From the same creators of Nautical Life and Medieval Life, we proudly present: SPACE LIFE!
A new game that introduces CRAFT system to "Life" series! Now the player can explore the universe, collect different materials to craft: weapons, spaceships, robots, furniture and items!
There are many planets to be discovered, each one has a specific speed of time, some days are longer, others are faster. Cold, hot, jungles or abandoned stations, whatever it is, you'll face dangerous aliens!
The combat system has different abilities to defeat your enemies, also evolves your attributes to become faster or stronger. Make PvP duels against friends or other players across the universe!
Collect money to buy better spaceships, customize interior with furniture of different styles!
- 8 spaceships.
- More than 150 furniture to customize the interior.
- 6 different planets.
- Every planet has its own time.
- Turn based Battle System.
- Multiplayer PvP Battles.
- 8 Weapons with different attributes.
- 14 different combat skills.
- Over 40 Aliens with unique abilities.
- 7 characters with stores and missions for you.
- 39 Materials used to craft items.
- Manage hunter robots to have extra income.
- Visit your friends ships.
- Cloud save.
Space Life will be constantly updated with new content and improvements!
育碧发表新作 VR 射击游戏《Space Junkies》(PC)将会在 9 月 26 日举办第二次封测,本作是透过喷射器在太空轨道上以各种兵器进行 1 对 1 或 2 对 2 的 VR 射击游戏。游戏对应联机游玩,并支持 Vive/Rift,Steam 专页亦表示支持繁体中文版,但封测是否为繁体中文接口则无法确定。
本次封测将举办到 10 月 1 日,只要拥有 育碧账号...
太空刑警怎么快速通关?Space Marshals有什么通关心得?太空刑警有什么通关技巧?下面九游小编就给大家带来详细介绍!
古往今来,我们在手游平台上看到的太空类型游戏无非就是射击射击射击,要不就是策略或者经营,似乎我们已经把太空手游的类型已经定义到这个范围的时候,《Space Transfer》(暂译:空间转移)横空出世,却打破了这个传统思维。