Ghiceste Tara怎么下载游戏攻略
Crezi ca reusesti sa ghicesti toate tarile de pe glob ? Descarca noul quiz care contine peste 48 de tari si incearca sa recunosti toate tarile pregatite. Noul quiz de geografie te va stimula si te va ajuta sa cunosti cat mai multe tari .
Cu imagini ajutatoare acest joc va fi foare usor de terminat si totodata te va ajuta in descoperirea a noi tari de care poate nu stiai pana acum.
Descarca jocul si si fii primul care ghiceste toate tarile !
Do you think you can guess all the countries around the globe? Download the new quiz that contains over 48 countries and try to recognize all the prepared countries. The new geography quiz will stimulate you and help you know as many countries as possible.
With help pictures, this game will be easy to finish and will also help you discover new countries you may not know so far.
Download the game and be the first to guess all countries!
T-ara献上古装COS首秀 将组战队加盟“梦联赛”
T-ara献上古装COS首秀 将组战队加盟“梦联赛”
今日, “国民老公”王思聪推荐,韩国皇冠女团T-ARA代言,第一国民MOBA正统手游《梦三国手游》重磅推出2016新年擂台赛,凡是报名的玩家均可获得王思聪和T-ARA为你准备的新年元宝礼包!此外,王思聪亲携T-ARA六位成员出战镇守擂台,只要玩家打入四强,即可与代言人PK!卫冕32强,16强,8强,4强乃至取得冠军,更能拿现金好礼,还在等什么,赶紧来报名吧!