Ben X Memory Kids Games怎么下载游戏攻略
Ben X Memory Kids Games is a puzzle game for android users to improve memory. It is a fun game with memory building activity like in each level, player is required to tap the square buttons and need to memorize what is behind it, in order to match its pair. Keep matching objects and complete this memory exercise in minimum time & clicks.
We are not affiliated in any way to Ben X Memory Kids Games trademark owner. This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow within the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us directly. This Game have no relation with Ben 10 and anything cartoon, we are not the makers of the cartoon and we don't claim any relation with them.
1月29日消息,据国外媒体报道,芬兰移动游戏开发商Next Games近日完成了一笔涉及金额达到1000万美元的融资。本轮融资由IDG Ventures和Jari Ovaskainen领投,其他投资方包括AMC网络公司、狮门影业、Lowercase和IDG Capital。
公开资料显示,Next Games创立于2013年,团队核心成员曾供职于Rovio、Supercell和迪士尼等知名游戏公...
现在负责开发制作《极品飞车》系列的 Ghost Games 工作室发布了新博文,终于透露了下一部《极品飞车》作品的消息,该作将于 2017 年底上市,具体细节将在 2017 年 6 月 2 日期间公布,这是继该工作室 2015 年发行的《极品飞车19》后的系列新作。
Ghost Games 工作室博文节选:
目前,大概大家都听说了我们 Ghost Games 工作室正在开发的新作消息,...
今天,《除暴战警3》的开发商Sumo Digital宣布他们已经收购CCP Games的纽卡斯尔工作室。看来《除暴战警3》的开发进度将会加快,与玩家们尽早见面!
在收购公告中确认34名原工作人员将会继续留在Sumo Digital纽卡斯尔。Sumo Digital总经理保罗·波特(Paul Porter)认为,收购CCP Games工作室是一个“让有经验、有才能、团结紧密的团队加入的绝佳机...