Healthy Kids games to learn in preschool怎么下载游戏攻略
Fun games for children from three to six years old (boys and girls). To play and learn about health, healthy living, physical activity, shopping and healthy foods, oral hygiene, beach protection and sun care. The games take place in a city that is linked to the World, through a Globe. Each time the child plays, he contributes a flower to the World. In this way, the importance of individual participation for the global good is introduced. Free exploration environment, without time limits and competition. According to curriculum guidelines of pre-school education, for fun activities at home and kindergarten.
• On the beach - playing in the sand, putting on a protector, sunglasses, drinking water
• Dentist - treating teeth, cavities, putting dental appliance
• Shopping - go to the store, choose healthy foods such as fruit, milk, fish, eggs
• Healthy snack - prepare sandwiches, milkshakes, snacks for the lunch box
• Physical activity - skateboarding, rollerblading, cycling
Improves learning about healthy and safe behaviors, nutrition, numbers, sequences, motor and eye coordination, attention and sense of orientation.
No request for personal data. No advertising. One free game, one single purchase to unlock all the games.
Connected to the website where you can see the global participation of children in the world Learn XXI and access pdfs of didactic exploration for parents and childhood educators.
Project co-funded by the European Union through the FEDER, Centro 2020 - "Learning 21: Game-based m-learning for children in kindergarten" - CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-009828.
1月29日消息,据国外媒体报道,芬兰移动游戏开发商Next Games近日完成了一笔涉及金额达到1000万美元的融资。本轮融资由IDG Ventures和Jari Ovaskainen领投,其他投资方包括AMC网络公司、狮门影业、Lowercase和IDG Capital。
公开资料显示,Next Games创立于2013年,团队核心成员曾供职于Rovio、Supercell和迪士尼等知名游戏公...
两年前,微软宣布将在2017年9月29日关闭Xbox Live Indie Games(简称XBLIG)计划。如今,这一天终于到来了。
如果你没听过这个计划也不奇怪。事实上,XBLIG在过去很长一段时间内都几乎没有什么新消息了。这个前身为Xbox Live Community Games的计划,在创立之初的目的是帮助独立开发者或小型团队在Xbox 360平台发行游戏。