Quiz 2018 : Win Money Quiz Game怎么下载游戏攻略
Note: We respect copyright rules. The game is based on general quiz rules but, If you found anything wrong then please tell us and we will update it as soon as possible.
This GK Quiz Game is in mainly intended to enhance the General Knowledge skills.
This is a very famous game format now a days for all the MCQs. We are going to bring you all the kind of questions like: General knowledge questions, Current affairs quiz, English learning quiz, cricket quiz, bollywood , tollywood, hollywood quiz and quiz from the subjects like indian history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry mathematics and reasoning, trivia. So basically this is the best educational game. This Game is in mutiplae launguage and multiple level with differant questions.
Everything is carefully selected by a team of experts keeping your exam needs in mind. This gk quiz app is the second offering from the team that brought you the top-rated Textbook Exam Preparation app for Bank & Insurance Exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, I PO, I Clerk, LIC AAO, UIIC AO, NICL AO, RBI Grade B, RBI Assistant and for Government Recruitment Exams like SSC CGL, Railways RRB NTPC. It is also useful for IBPS RRB, SSC CHSL, SSC Stenographer, BSNL TTA, Campus Placements and Civil Services Exams like UPSC, BPSC, MPSC, APPSC.
Game play guide:
- Total 15 questions will be asked in this wonderful set of game for every laungauge.
- You need to answer all the questions to reach and win 7 crore fake money.
- At the end of the game, you will get a fake cheque.
- There are four different life lines are there to help you out with this game.
- Life lines are called Audience poll, Call a friend, flip a question and fifty fifty
- khelo aur jito
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