The games is about destroying UFO by a space ship and miss as less as possible. Game comprises of Game Controls, Player, Power-up and UFO enemies.
Game Controls:
Game controls are Up, Down, Fire and Pause.
Up: Moves the player upwards; present at bottom left corner.
Down: Moves the player down; present at bottom left corner.
Fire: Fires the missiles from the player; present at bottom right corner.
Pause: Pauses the game. Options - Go back to Main Menu or Exit the game.
Note: On going back to Main Menu, the game will end.
Player: It is a space ship.
Can only move up and down
Fires missile only on press of "Fire" button
Gets destroyed on collision with any UFO and from missile by Alien UFO
UFO Enemies:
There are 3 different UFO enemies in the game.
Basic: These are colored UFO. It can be destroyed with 1 missile.
It will destroy the player on collision.
Skull: This a UFO with a skull. It can be destroyed with 5 missiles.
Skull UFO moves slower than any other UFO
It will destroy the player on collision.
Alien: This is a UFO with a alien. It shoots missiles.
It can be destroyed with 2 missiles.
The missile fired by alien UFO will destroy the player.
If the UFO itself collides, the player will be destroyed.
Power up for Player:
There are 3 different power up for the player.
Shield: In this mode, no UFO can destroy the player on collision.
Freeze: In this mode, the UFO will be freezed.
Player can shoot missile and destroy them.
If the player collides with any UFO, then it will get destroyed.
Beam: In this mode, Player will shoot beams on press of Fire button.
The beam can destroy any UFO with 1 beam.
The player will get destroyed if it collides with any UFO or hit by missile from alien UFO.
Note: Each power-up is available to player only for fixed duration.
Total Score:
Each game will have a total score. It is calculated by the sum of all the hits minus the number of UFO that are missed. For example, if there are UFO hits of 10 and there were 2 misses, then the total score will be 8.
The game is developed and designed by Silver Games Studio. The current stable version is 0.2