Super Panther怎么下载游戏攻略
Super Panther: is an adventure game based on a famous fantastic movie, the black animal named super panther went into the jungle, WAKANDA jungle to pick up coins in a beautiful day, but the jungle is full of er, with many traps and monsters so he needs your help to win the game!
Just the simple movements, you control the black super panther to help the black animal jump, swing shot skillfully in the super adventure.
Features of Black Super Panther Run:
The journey game has more than 40 levels challenging stages.
Great graphics, lively sound, ooth - Amazing background music for a super jumping, running and fighting experience.
Different hand weapons
Fun physics based gameplay
Easy panther jump control in the process play game. Use one finger to control the panther weapon or panther high jump in this journey
Collecting panther coin items will have more power.
Movies games are suitable for all ages, the game is totally free.
More exciting levels coming soon.
New 10 levels coming soon
We will keep updating this game with new content and levels. Download it for free on google play store.
How to play:
tap screen to jump the panther
tap twice to high jump the super panther
Kill or avoid the monster.
Collect coins as many as you can.
Finish all levels with 3 diamonds.
Rate us and Tell us what you think about this game. Your reviews, Opinions and critics are valuable to us for improvement.
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