Gravity Finger 137怎么下载游戏攻略
Use the gravity force of your fingers to collect 137 flying space objects into the screen.
The game is to keep your finger on the screen and to observe how the gravity force is moving the objects. You could move your finger in order to cross the orbit of an object and to collect them faster. Sometimes you have to release the objects and to collect them all again. There are a few levels. After each level the objects become a bit faster and the space is increasing.
The game is supporting different playing levels as well as more other features, like:
1. High scores - keeps track of your best score.
2. Supports different color palettes for different tastes.
3. Supports tablets and phones.
4. Increasing difficulties.
Your feedback and/or review is more than welcome.
《逐日战神》是一款“装备靠打+升级靠挂”的全新传奇模式手游, 无论在战法道三大传统职业、各职业专属炫酷技能,还是在游戏玩法、操作界面上,都原汁原味呈现了经典传奇风格。杀人爆装,多人同屏! 兄弟百人,同仇敌忾!
为了感谢每一个玩家对《逐日战神》手游的支持,并为其提供更为出色的游戏环境,04月05日 09:00战神137服火爆开启,感谢大家一路相伴,我们为大家准备了11重精彩开服活动,详细活动...
将在2018年 02月26日 11:00开启【137服图图犬】,届时各位训练师重新登录游戏,即可看见追加服务器。