Guess the Wrestler Trivia 2K18怎么下载游戏攻略
Are you a true fan of wrestling entertainment?
We challenge you to play this fun game of questions and answers in which you will have to guess the champion who hides behind each image. Only the true Wrestlers fans and lovers will be able to overcome the more than 120 levels available. Here you will not have to fight with your favorite champion, but you will have to show your talents, talents and knowledge about this exciting and fun sport.
Nor will it be the typical SuperCard wrestling game, this is simpler, for a less hardcore audience that wants to have fun guessing their favorite superstars. The best of all? All the characters added to this Quiz are updated until 2018, so you will find mythical and classic characters from Mayhem, Immortals, Wrestle maniacs, RAW, Smack, etc. And not only to the male champions, you will also have to guess the female fighters.
• More than 120 levels and increasing.
• Available for all screen resolutions, from low-end artphones, mid-range to high-end artphones and tablets.
• Small size so it can be downloaded from slow connections.
• High-quality images compressed to spend little data.
• Does not require an Internet connection.
• Progress is saved in the cloud, so you will not lose your games.
• Coin system to exchange for tracks and overcome the levels in which you get stuck.
• System of asking a friend or relative. Something very useful in the case of running out of coins and blocked on a screen.
The most epic battles are fought in this Ring, so do not hesitate to download this fun Wrestling Trivia with Champions. Soon, we will add a news system so that you can be up to date with all the news that happens in the wrestling scene.
After completing the game, you will have access to a complete list with all players, superstars, Wrestling battles live, best attacks carried out by John Cena, The Rock or many other Wrestlers.
* Unofficial Application - All names and pics belong to their respective owners and have been used non-profit.
今天(7月26日),2K官方正式宣布,《NBA 2K18》即将登陆中国PlayStation 4平台。
“NBA 2K系列将继续为拟真的运动类游戏设定标准。” NBA 2K的市场高级副总裁Jason Argent说道,“《NBA 2K18》在中国PS4平台发行对我们来说意义重大,让我们有更多的机会能将我们的品牌与中国游戏玩家进行结合,我们对此感到非常兴奋。”
《NBA 2K18》的中国...
近日,评级机构ESRB对《WWE 2K18》进行了分级,游戏由于一些轻微的暴力,语言,酒精等等主题,被评为“T”级。
《WWE 2K18》是一款摔跤模拟游戏,玩家在其中扮演来自全球的摔跤明星,同场竞技。在游戏中,不可避免的出现了一些暴力场面,包括拳打脚踢,使用椅子,棒球棍等攻击对方,流血场景时有发生。此外,女性摔跤手通常身着暴露的服装参赛,在游戏中,摔跤手们还会说一些粗俗的语言。但总体来说,...
今天,《NBA 2K18》官方推特号@NBA 2K 2K18发了一张图片,公布了新的《NBA 2K18》游戏封面。图中欧文身穿凯尔特人队11号队服,与之前骑士队版本潇洒的上篮动作不同的是,这次的欧文则是站立姿势,做霸气的庆祝动作。左下角多了一个ESRB评级标志。