After School Romance怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
“After School Romance”
◇◇You can enjoy this game until the end for free! ◇◇
◇◇Every choice you make matters and can change everything! ◇◇
◇◇This is an interactive Romance App Drama with the theme being “Nurse’s Office” ◇◇
◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine and experience romancing with handsome boys! ◇◇
An nurse's office at a local high school. You've been working here as a school nurse since the spring and you’re finally getting used to the environment. But there are a couple of students that concern you...
Ren Takarai
Height: 5’ 68” Age: 17
Ren is in the 12th grade and is a so-called skipper. He's used the nurse's office as a place to skip class long before you started working here.
Shuji Senoo
Height: 5’ 77” Age: 17
Shuji is in the 12th grade and is always the top student within his grade and is also popular with both students and teachers.
Seiya Kamijo
Height: 5’ 35” Age: 16
Seiya is in the 10th grade and has only been living in this city since middle school. He still hasn't been able to fit in with his class.
Mamoru Kozuka
Height: 5’ 58” Age: 15
Mamoru is in the 11th grade and is a health assistant. Every time he sees you, he always happily runs up to you.
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Paradox旗下模拟经营游戏《城市:天际线》自2015年正式发售以来,非常热销,目前游戏销量已突破350万,为此官方还将推出免费中国主题DLC,是不是很开心呢?近日官方又宣布了一条令玩家们振奋的消息,该作将于2017年4月21日登陆Xbox One平台。Xbox One版本优化了Tantalus Media的控制器播放功能,具有核心游戏及其After Dark扩展内容。
ios末日冒险遗忘的命运破解版,下面就为大家详细讲解After the End Forsaken Destiny破解版,希望这篇通关攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。
游戏简介:过关斩将,完成美不胜收但难度越来越高的 3D 拼图;回到令人屏息的远古世界尽情探险;最后,揭开父子在不同时空下踏上同一趟旅途的神秘谜团。