Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D is inspired by the lovely Ramsay Restaurant games in which a Waiter will be the main focus person. It the new generation Virtual Waiter game with most amazing 3D environment of a restaurant where our player work as a Waiter. Working as a Waiter is not an easy occupation and you will know once you have played this game.
Work as a Waiter to know the daily work a waiter have to do as he serves you and make your moments more memorable. Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D will let you believe that you are really in a Virtual world and not in a stupid game or something. This game will provide you the knowledge about the restaurant in and out.
Game Play:
Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D is interesting game where you play as a Waiter working in lovely Ramsay Restaurant. You will need to wake up early in the morning as you need to go and open the restaurant before anybody. You need to ride your bike to reach the restaurant and open it.
Once you reach the restaurant open and clean the restaurant. Mops and other equipment will be in the kitchen. You will need to clean the floor and tables in the dinning space. You may also need to clean the kitchen as well. Make sure you do all the cleaning work before any customer reaches the restaurant. Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D is the taste of a Waiters life.
You will need to get orders from the customers and need to remember the table numbers of the orders in accordance to the order received. You need to remember this as you will be serving the food to that particular table and you will not like to serve wrong food to the table. Keep the customer happy and make their time in your restaurant more remarkable.
In Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D you will also be home delivering the food to the customers and will be receiving the tips. Make sure you reach in time and deliver hot oking food to the customer so they can enjoy the food. More they enjoy their food more you will get the tips.
Key Features:
• More than one Player to play with.
• No Internet needed.
• Male and Female Waitress to play. With different missions for both genders.
• Most amazing game play that will attract both male and female game lovers.
• Most advance Virtual Game Environment.
Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D is specially designed for all delicious food lovers as well virtual simulation fans. Working from 7am to 12am at night is not an easy job to do where you need to look and work as good as horse. No time to sit and even no breaks whole day. Virtual Waiter Restaurant Game 3D is the most amazing Virtual Game you have ever played.
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