◆ Simple rules
- You can merge dice by dragging between dice with the same number, located at a distance of one column up, down, left and right.
- The merged number is incremented by one from each dice number.
>> 1 + 1 = 2 , 2 + 2 = 3 ...
- If your board has vertical or horizontal arrow tiles, you can join the dice beyond the tiles.
- Dice such as [+1], [-1] increase / decrease the number of the other dice by the indicated number.
>> 3 + [+1] = 4, 6 + [-2] = 4
- A tile with a black border is an elevator. Quickly touch twice to move the dice to the opposite elevator with the same color.
◆ Difficulty
- The stage gets harder and harder. Do not give up and concentrate!
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The source of the fonts and music used in this application are as follows. Thank you.
CT ProLamina (
norwester (
-sound effect
魔王魂 (
Groovy Day BY ALEXANDER Blu (
Summer Hit BY ALEXANDER Blu (
Dusty Track BY ALEXANDER Blu (