Fat No More - Be the Biggest Loser in the Gym!怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Can you get everyone fit? Help your clients reach their life goals with fun and addictive exercising and diet routines. Warm-up and let’s start - in Fat No More fat is burned and pride is earned! You know how candy, pizza and burgers are delicious. But they have a price that costs more than money and it starts to be charged when that extra fat begins ling off by the flanks!
You are a great personal trainer -- the best of the kind actually -- and people will come to you with the most diverse reasons to get fit: summer slim down, fit the maid of honor dress, preparing for a marathon, vacation weight gain, feel confident for flirting again or for health issues such as gaining or losing weight to live a healthier life.
Make specific diets and sequence of exercises for each client you have to mentor and help customers fit back in their favorite jeans! Gift your students items that will help them in their fitness missions. Help them to help you!
• Running: improve cardio by keeping the rhythm of a run
• Weight lifting: boost strength of muscles by lifting moderate and heavy dumbbells
• Rope Skipping: better body resistance and breath
• +40 characters for you to train and hundreds of different challenges to complete
• Power gifts for your students: running shoes, glasses, weightlifting belt, wrist straps, knee support, head band, rope, jumping shoes
• Fitness minigames: running, weight lifting and rope skipping
Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
《Fat Birds》是一款有趣益智游戏,不知道大家玩没玩过粘帖世界,这款游戏的玩法与之相当的类似。在游戏中玩家们要搭建桥梁,让这群胖胖的小鸟过河。而且游戏中每只小鸟的重量都不一样,想让他们安全过河可不是那么简单的哦。...
提起Bad Crane你可能不太清楚,但你肯定听说过《光速快递》(RGB Express)。该作自2014年推出,就受到了不少玩家的喜爱。《光速快递》是一款颇为有意思的益智类游戏。游戏中我们会扮演一个快递工搬运东西,如何在弹指间完成游戏目标,就很考验玩家的观察力了!
而今,开发商表示将推出新作《Make More!》,可以说是《光速快递》的升级版。在游戏中,玩家将扮演一个“残暴”的大老板,管...
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