Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑_九游手机游戏
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Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑
Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑
Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑
Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not associated in any way with Mojang AB. Minecraft Name, Minecraft Mark and Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with https://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines Toxic rivers, a fiery moon and mutated monsters are the first few signs of a world turning to hell. Most of the Overworld (and other dimensions) have been turned into a nightmare. The night creatures are much more powerful and there are also new monster types with new abilities. Everyone have a desperate desire to live, but only a few of you will. Even friendly mobs have realized the evil of (some) humans and will escape them at any cost. The environment is completely different. Water looks like toxic waste and the moon is on fire. The monsters thrive in this new environment. Never before in Minecraft’s history have they been more powerful. There is no point complaining about the weather. There are things much worse from here on part of your reality. Escaping into other dimensions will not save you. The Nether and the End have also been infected by the same evil virus which has set roots in the Overworld. Features Behaviors Enderman have their usual abilities of teleportation and moving blocks. However, now they will be able to teleport farther distances, and they also have more health and speed. They also have the abilities to summon Fangs and Vexes similar to the Illager/Evoker. Skeletons have been replaced by Flying Phantoms which can shoot you from a long distance. Guardians are stronger and have the ability to fly when they are out of the water. However, their abilities to cause damage while in air is worse. Zombie Pigmen have been replaced by Nether Archer Phantoms which can fly and shoot enemies at a long range. However, they are friendly for as long they aren’t provoked. Llama’s spit causes more damage. The player does more damage and has the double amount of health. Zombies and Husks are immune to sunlight and they usually travel in groups. They are also able to detect targets from much farther away, creating the possibility of hordes to form. Husks are faster, can open doors and can detect you from even furter away than the normal zombie and if you get hit by it then it can cause you blindness. Arrows causes more damage. Blazes are stronger and can cause rapid fire. Cave Spiders are faster and their poison lasts longer. Ocelots are much more afraid of players than ever before and will run for their lives. Sometimes they attack creepers. Chickens, Cows, Pigs and Sheep are all afraid of players and will run away. Rabbits are bigger and as a result are slower when they run away from the player. But their fat makes them also more difficult to kill. Creepers deals more damage but they are really the most destructive when they are charged. Dragon’s Breath is more powerful. Elder Guardians are larger and also stronger. The Ender Dragon is faster at times and also much stronger. Large Fireballs deals more damage. Ghasts are much faster to dodge attacks and their fireballs are also stronger. Horses are stronger, faster, larger and jump higher. Iron Golems attack players when provoked. They inflict slowness and have twice as much health than before and they are also faster. Large and Medium Magma Cubes are faster. Shulkers have a longer attack range and their projectiles inflict also a poisonous effect. Small Fireballs inflict more damage. Snow Golems are more difficult to kill and they also have the ability to detect enemies from farther ahead. Snowballs inflict more damage and can be thrown farther distances. Slimes cause more damage. Large ones are also much faster. Strays shoot slowness arrows instead of poison and they can also shoot from longer distances. The Wither is both much faster and stronger. It will hunt players and dodge attacks more frequently.
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《Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑》下载版本说明
《Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑》很多玩家都不知道Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE怎么下载到电脑,其实方法很简单。打开浏览器在地址栏输入a.9game.cn进入九游手机游戏门户,然后在搜索框输入该游戏的名称进行搜索,在搜索结果中打开,找到电脑版免费下载的按钮点击就开始下载Danger Inbound Mod for MCPE了,下载完成就在电脑中哦,赶紧体验下吧。
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