Mini Mafia怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Members of the local mafia have infiltrated the ranks of the police force. Work together with your fellow officers to take down the mafia, but be careful! Some of the officers are out to sabotage the investigation.
Mini Mafia is a deception-based party game designed for 5-10 players similar to Mafia or Werewolf. But unlike regular mafia, no player is eliminated during the game. In order to stop the mafia, officers must work together to complete important tasks for the investigation. Hidden among the group are members of the mafia, who will try to sabotage these tasks. As a police officer, you will need to figure out who you can actually trust. As a mafia member, you will have to keep your identity secret while deceiving your friends.
In order to play, each player needs their own device connected to the same WiFi network or mobile hotspot. Games can be played across multiple different devices.
近日,亚洲全明星棋盘策略手游《富翁时代》已全平台上架,并同期得到了苹果APP STORE商城的游戏推荐和各个安卓平台的推荐。作为一款基于大富翁玩法基础上,融入技能卡牌策略拼斗的手游,《富翁时代》如何权衡付费玩家和免费玩家的平衡性也一直受到玩家们的关注。周末,斗鱼以七煌主持Mini和七哥张琪格为首的美女主播们玩起了《富翁时代》直播,给广大玩家实际秀了几把在游戏中免费玩家是如何逆袭的。
今天,网易又实现了一次为玩家谋利的营销创举。网易首款西游手游大作《迷你西游》再次推出5月畅玩福利——“头条大作战”活动。玩家参与游戏收集头条积分,官方出钱送上报纸头条,还有机会获得Mini Cooper使用权、iPhone5S等系列大奖。更叫人震惊的是,头条刊载内容全由玩家说了算,厂商出钱为玩家谋话语权!
备受瞩目的RPG动作手游《战神黎明》,封测前游戏视频大曝光啦,快来参与找茬活动,在观看完视频后,您对游戏有什么想法或者意见,都可以畅所欲言,而且还能获得超级大奖——MINI IPAD、京东卡哦!