Moon Patrol怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
The player takes the role of a Luna City police officer assigned to Sector Nine, the home of the 'toughest thugs in the galaxy'. The player controls a moon buggy, viewing it from the side, that travels over the moon's suce. While driving it, obstacles such as craters and mines must be avoided, and various enemies such as UFOs from above and tanks on the ground must be shot down.
Gameplay is within a number of 'courses', and each is divided into 26 checkpoints, named after the letters of the English alphabet. Of these, the five major checkpoints--E, J, O, T and, Z--denote a new 'stage' with a new background and theme; for example, the third stage starting at J introduces mines. The top portion of the screen shows a timeline-style map of the course, with the five major checkpoints clearly marked. Above the map is an indicator of the current checkpoint, the time spent in the stage, and three indicator lights: the top light indicates upcoming enemy aerial attacks, the middle one indicates an upcoming minefield, and the bottom one indicates enemies approaching from behind.
At the end of a stage, that time spent is compared to the average, and bonus points are awarded accordingly; completing an entire course gives an additional 5000 points. There are two unique courses: the 'Beginner Course' and the 'Champion Course'. The Champion Course 'loops' forever, and each loop is numbered for convenience.
据国外媒体Forbes报道,今年11月,《Pokemon Sun and Moon》将会隆重推出,届时将会有更多新的小精灵与大家见面。《Pokemon Sun and Moon》的地点设在Alola岛上,这相当于一个宠物小精灵界的夏威夷岛。以前的各种小精灵都将会有新的Alola进化版。其中,椰树兽将进化为图中这 颗大型棕榈树。
游戏简介:这是一个讲述两个医生借由改变记忆为弥留之际的人们完成他们人生最后愿望的故事。罗莎莉恩博士(Dr. Rosalene)和沃茨博士(Dr. Watts)有一份非常特殊的工作:他们可以给人们重活一次的机会,从人生的最开始重头来过,当然这个机会只存在于将死之人的头脑里。