Happy Ice怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Glasses are sad and need ice to make delicious drink.
Glasses are more happier if the ice move to as much as possible along the glasses. Pop the ice higher!
Most beloved game to play now!
To POP the ice, hit the table, the variance of the hit make the Ice jump on the air to another glass
let try to see how difference from other games
Happy Ice is a game that no like others!
Using cup to pop the ice up higher is better
Carefully try to catch the ice cube
• Simple game control
• Clean, minimalist graphics
• Hit the table hard to pop the ice
• Enhance your reaction skills
• Collect various kinds of diamonds and fantastic cocktails
• 90 levels from day to hard
• Best designed backgrounds
Can you complete all 90 levels?
TRY Happy Ice now
Happy Glass14关怎么过?Happy Glass是一款益智类游戏,玩家通过自有的画线来完成关卡,简单、智能、有趣的谜题不仅充满了乐趣同时也让人非常的轻松,那么下面我们就来看下Happy Glass14具体的通关方法。
《Happy Glass》第14关攻略
关于《Happy Glass》
Happy Glass236关如何通关?玻璃杯和水管几乎在一个水平面上,这样很难让水管中的水进入玻璃杯中,更何况玻璃杯并不是在地面上,而是在空中,我们要用什么方法让玻璃杯装满水?下面是第236关的具体攻略,能玩到这一关的都非常厉害哦~
happy glass111关-120关怎么过?越到后面,关卡就会变化得更加有趣,当然难度也会有一点提升,每一关的通关方法并不是唯一的,大家也可根据自己的想法来进行通关,只要能顺利达成关卡的要求,不管你用什么方法通关都行,下面来分享一波攻略111关到120关的通关技巧。
happy glass111-120攻略