Pivot Go怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
No level. No timer. The only challenge is your score.
The most minimalistic, yet the most complex game based on your agility and reflexes.
What to do in the game?
Just pass the enemy-dots(yellow dots) through the moving line in such a way that it doesn't touch the pivot points. And be sure, that you don't move beyond the screen.
Seems easy? Isn't it?
Give it a try and find if it actually is or not.
How to control :
Just touch the left and the right part of the screen in order to control the game. Either control the rotation of the moving line by tapping to rotate clockwise or anticlockwise or changing the pivot. That's all you need to do in the game.
Wish you all the best and a happy playing!
Pokemon Go韩国能玩吗?自从口袋妖怪go上线以来,可以说是让很多玩家位置疯狂,大家齐聚压马路去捕捉精灵似乎也成为一种热潮了,而韩国上架的也成为了很多玩家关注的一个重点,中国虽然处于锁区的现状,但是韩国“泡菜”的味道似乎也跟着来了,那么九游小编在接下来为大家带来口袋妖怪go韩国上架最新消息,小伙伴们一起去看看吧!
Pokemon Go韩国能玩吗,口袋妖怪GO韩国上架消息。自从玩了口袋妖怪G...
在Square Enix相继推出了GO系列手机游戏《杀手GO》、《劳拉GO》之后,终于将在8月18日上架GO系类第三款作品《杀出重围:GO》,届时将同步开放iOS与Android双平台。而根据SE前两款作品都自带简体中文设置,所以预计新作品也将有很大可能自带中文版本。