Chess Game ( play simple)怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
♔Hi Gamers,
The easiest and simplest chess game in the store.
Chess is logic game and one of the oldest game puzzles ) brain G ( in the world to day i see you my simple 2d game with simple graphics bleu board and easy to play and learn
Game rules :
Chess has 3 possible situations.
♞ Check : king is threatened by the opponents and is able to move away from the threat.
♞ Checkmate : same as check but the king is unable to move.
♞ Stalemate (Draw) : king is not threatened but the player can not move any other piece
Pieces movement:
♔ Pawn : beats diagonally, moves one field forward, moves two fields forward (first move only).
♔ Knight : moves two fields vertically and one horizontally or two fields horizontally and one vertically, making an "L" shape.
♔ Bishop : moves diagonally to any distance.
♔ Rook : moves both vertically and horizontally to any distance.
♔ Queen : moves to any distance to all dimensions ( horizontal, vertical and diagonal).
♔ King : moves like the queen but only for one field.
.Secondary moves :
♞ Castling : changing places of a rook and the king (must be the king's first move).
♞ En passant : a French term which means " in passing " is when a pawn
can beat the opponent's pawn when the last mentioned jumps over
the field of the first pawn using the two fields move ( complicated, i know ....).
♞ You can play against both AI or other human player.
♞ Game moves helper (shows you the possible moves).
♞ Nice cartoony graphics with a beautiful bleu aqua theme (more coming soon).
♞ The ability to undo your last move.
♞ The game requires a very small size on your phone.
♞ Playable by both kids and kasparovs out there.
Dear player, your opinion matters.
Any kind of feedback is highly appreciated.
flowing us :
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●Follow us on youtube http//youtube/arcade jeux
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极速对决只是Chess Rush其中的一个模式,还是有像其他传统的玩法,只不过极速对决和传统的相比较花费的时间会更短,但是呢也会更加的刺激。