L.A. Stories Part 3 Challenge Accepted 2018怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
L.A. Stories Part 3 Challenge Accepted
Want to relax? Take a gun and get to the stolen car – start rioting! L.A. Stories Part 3 Challenge Accepted – explore different areas of criminal city. Steel cars and perform different offences to become the most infamous gangster.
This game isn’t for time killing, you’ll see mob world of this “peaceful” and sunny city. You’ll create your virtual criminal story.
In game, your character real mob, taking part in shootings, illegal races and police chases while complete missions. And the main money comes from drug dealing and supercars stealing. Don’t forget about cops: ran over pedestrian, crashed into police car or shot your competitors, then police wouldn’t let you off!
Perfect new city map. Different profitable buildings (you can buy them), missions with cool rewards. Purchasing new gun your character makes more damage to enemies. Ruin drugs transportation and destroy competitor’s goods. Progress your character to full city mafia control. Sandy beach line, beautiful buildings architecture, best recreational and still, criminal city is waiting for you.
Game features
Realistic graphic models of cars, boats, motorcycles and characters (you can choose graphics quality)
Full HD graphics
More than 25 types of guns (from grenades to bazookas)
Added ability to change traffic frequency
Open game world
Optimized for comfortable playing on different devices
Free gaming without Wi-Fi using
Incredible missions
If you get bored or disturbed from missions passing, buy RPG and body armor and make some action at the Mad City streets. Get interest points from police and then find some cover and shoot back.
FreeStyle 今天公开了旗下游戏新作《A lot of Stories》的开场动画,本作将会在今年之内登陆移动平台。
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