Pro Photo Editor - Background Eraser怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Pro Photo Editor - Background Eraser is an interesting photo editing APP which can erase photo background and make it transparent.
If you want to try different background , Pro Photo Editor - Background Eraser will be your best choice.
In addition , You can also use it to create a natural and formal identification photo, like passport image or ID card image and something like that for yourself. You can avoid complex image matting procedures because of it.
How to use it:
Select photo: select a photo from your phone
Cut photo: cut the photo according to the subject location
Remove background: delete the background automatically or manually by clicking or sliding the brush
Save photo: save the composite photograph and share it on the social network site
Brush adjustment
: you can choose the size of the brush
Photo editing
: you can move or rotate the photo
Edge blur
: you can blur the edges of the remaining photo and you can set the level of the blur
Perfect combination
: the remaining photo and the background will be combined perfectly and the final picture will be natural
Original photo reserved
: the original photo still in your phone
Let's try it! You will love it!
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