Ludo Legend New Ludo Game 2019 For怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Ludo Legend is a new ludo game for free played between friends and family.
Reviews of Ludo Legend.
Ludo Legend is the most popular and exciting game.
It is the best game to share the great interests and childhood memories with your friends.
If you are looking for something classic, then Ludo Legend will be your best choice.
Features of Ludo Legend.
Online/Private Multiplayer Mode
Ludo Legend is a board game played between 2 to 6 players. You can play the game with your friends, family or against the computer.
Enjoyable but also challenging.
The gameplay is simple at first and will become immensely challenging once you play with higher level players.
Simple rules and easy to play.
The rules are quite simple; every player gets 4 tokens, which are required to make a full turn of the board and make it to the finish line. And the one who first gets all 4 tokens will be deemed as the winner.
✔Moreover, a player can move his/her token based on the number decided by casting a six-sided dice, and a token can only move out of their base by casting a six. However, once another player’s token lands on the same place where your token is, then your token will be sent back to your base and you have roll a six again.
✔Sounds interesting? Why not have a try now? Come and take the challenge and be the greatest winner! Enjoy the real fun of Ludo Legend!
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