Super64Plus N64 Emulator怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
- Support N64 game file (.n64, .z64, .v64, .zip, .7zip).
- Support android 5.0+ (suitable for android 9.0+).
- Auto save, Save state and load state.
- Auto Screen orientation: Settings - Display - Screen orientation - Auto.
- All Controls: Analog & Dpad & L+R+Z Button (Profiles - Select Profiles - Touchscreen profile - Everything: All Controls)
- Resize Control Buttons: Settings - Touchscreen - Button scale.
- Edit Control Buttons: Profiles - Touchscreen - Copy - Rename - Edit.
- To fix graphiccal glitches, try changing the video plugin: Profiles - Select Profiles - Emulation profile.
- To fix lag, try changing the video setting: Settings - Display - Rendered resolution.
- For unplayable ROMs, try unzipping the ROM first or trying a different version of the ROM.
- For touchscreen control issues, try changing the button scale.
How to play:
- A N64 game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game.
- Copy your own N64 game files to SD card or Internal Memory. (e.g. /sdcard/N64/)
- Please refresh games again after copy new N64 game files.
This app is based on the Open Source project Mupen64+, which is licensed by GNU GPLv3. Update for Android 9.0+
LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo in any way.
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