Love & Diaries Hayden — Romance Thriller怎么下载到电脑游戏攻略
Between inquiry and romance, will you be able to make the right choices? Discover a new story free visual novel combining romance and police atmosphere!
Passion and investigation! Freshly graduated from the FBI Quantico Academy, you are assigned for your first mission on an investigation into a new form of drug that begins its ravages in the US. Your teammate happens to be Hayden Winters, an enigmatic DEA agent. Your mission requires you to be seen as a couple! Can you resist to hold your blanket?
- Your own dialogue choices!
- A thrilling survey to follow throughout the game!
- Detailed decorations and a romantic comedy atmosphere !
- Ideal for reading at home or in transport!
- Episodic chapters regular and free!
Take your investigator's badge and start without waiting for your story!
正值情人节来临之际,讨人心喜的可爱游戏层出不穷,这款《爱的果冻》(Jelly Love)就马上要跟大家见面了。这是一款非常益智的消除游戏,通过视频和截图可以看出,游戏在玩法上与《小鸟爆破》很相似,在有限的时间内快速消除以获得更高分,萌萌的果冻让人倍感情人节的甜蜜。
Love You To Bits第一关通关攻略由九游小编为大家带来,Love You To Bits是一款冒险解谜类型的小游戏,可能很多玩家还不知道这个游戏该怎么玩,Love You To Bits第1关怎么过?来看看吧!
南小鸟是日本二次元偶像计划《Love live!》中的主要人物之一,由于其萌系十足的少女形象,受到了众多动漫迷们的喜爱,以及众多coser们争相演绎。今天小编就为大家带来了这组南小鸟校服cos作品,coser是位长相清纯甜美的萌妹纸,高超的cos技艺将原人物演绎的淋漓精致。好了,话不多说,接下来,就让我们一起来欣赏这组,由清纯萌妹我们精彩演绎的南小鸟校服cos作品吧!...